How to maintain your Health - Health

         Health is more about than wealth

What is health?

 The concept of health can be glimpsed from two different, although complementary, spheres: the first in the individual sense and the second in the social sense. The first meaning conceives of health as the proper biological functioning of the organism and the absence of disease. The second, as explained by the World Health Organization (WHO), transcends the individual aspect to encompass a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being.   

Both areas of the concept are complementary in the sense that health is not limited to the absence of conditions or diseases, but requires appropriate social conditions for the adequate development of the human being. As Julio Frank explains, in this matter “the biological and the social, the individual and the community, the public and the private come together…” Health is also a means for personal and collective fulfillment, promotes the general security of society and “…is an indicator of the well-being and quality of life of a community, as well as (an) essential element for reproduction of social life. Health is more than a medical notion: it is a predominantly social concept because it is linked to the customs, traditions, attitudes and value judgments of the various groups in a society, and because it involves the participation of all community agents. At the individual level, it requires the hygiene education that people must have; at the collective level it requires the participation of the public power in the satisfaction of social needs. 

Physical health and mental health

 In broad terms, health can be recognized and analyzed from two perspectives: that of physical health and that of mental health , although in reality these are two interrelated aspects. To maintain physical health in optimal conditions, it is recommended to exercise regularly and have a balanced and healthy diet, with a variety of nutrients and proteins.

Thus, it is important to emphasize that in order to enjoy magnificent physical health it is necessary for the person in question to have a series of eating and sports habits. Thus, with respect to the first aspect, it must be emphasized that the diets that are followed must be nutritious and balanced, avoiding as far as possible everything that refers to the intake of alcohol and other drugs, and also leaving tobacco aside.

Our proposal is the definition of health


 Taking into account the above considerations and our own experience, we propose the following as the most appropriate definition of health: A human being is healthy when, in addition to feeling good physically, mentally, and socially, their body structures, physiological processes, and behavior are maintained within the limits accepted as normal for all other human beings who share with him the same characteristics and the same environment.

 The mere fact of feeling good physically, mentally and socially is not enough, then, to reach the conclusion that he is healthy.  A person can have an incipient anatomical lesion, e.g., early cancer, or some physiological disturbance, e.g., abnormally elevated blood glucose level or blood pressure, and still feel perfectly well.  We do not believe, however, that this person can be judged healthy under such conditions.

 A very important concept to decide on the state of health is that of "normality".  Sometimes "normality" can be clearly defined in a qualitative way.  For example, in normal gastric mucosa, polymorph nuclear leukocytes are never found infiltrating the tunica proprietor;  when cells of this type are found, a diagnosis of active gastritis is made.  On other occasions, however, the limit between what is "normal" and what is "abnormal" or pathological can only be established in a quantitative or semi-quantitative way, generally resorting to statistics.  A "normal" value of each structural or physiological variable is located within a Gaussian intermediate range between minimum and maximum "normal" values ​​environmental.

 Mange  rightly proposes that in order to define the limits of "normality" in a society, the prevailing ecological conditions must be taken into account, in terms of and cultural variables that affect that society.  This implies that, instead of establishing universal health standards, we should ask ourselves how to define satisfactory levels of health in certain sets of conditions.  The author mentions, as an example, the different "normal" levels of hemoglobin in workers of oil companies that work in tropical areas and Andean miners.

 It is obvious that the "normal" values ​​vary, according to the age and sex, and the ethnic and other characteristics of the subjects considered.

 When trying to define health, it should not be forgotten that the number of parameters that a doctor uses to judge about this state is always limited.  A good medical theorist, Murphy, has ingeniously said that "a healthy individual is an individual who has not been sufficiently explored."  Furthermore, it does not seem unreasonable to us to predict that the continuous and rapid progress that is taking place in available medical procedures and resources will result in many individuals who would currently be considered healthy not to be so in the future. 

    10 keys to follow to maintain good health 

1. Take care of your diet

 Increase the intake of fruits and vegetables, introduce the fiber in your diet to improve intestinal transit among many other benefits. Limit the consumption of sugars and salt in your diet, according to WHO reducing only 5% the consumption of sugars in our diet would have benefits in our health. Hable to the kitchen: when you do not know how to cook you usually throw more of pre-cooked or frozen dishes that do not always have the same properties. It is not necessary to become a master chef, there are many ways to prepare food, grilled, steamed, baked, etc. 

2. Take periodic reviews

 Experts recommend that after 40 years it is advisable to start performing periodic medical exams. These reviews will be especially aimed at detecting the appearance of early tumors or cardiovascular risks. Tests as simple as an analytical one, taking blood pressure or gynecological examinations are essential for disease prevention. 

3. Perform physical exercises

 whenever you can a fundamental pillar to maintain good health is to exercise regularly. At least 30 minutes of activity is necessary for 2 or 3 days a week. The key is not to buy the complete kit to go jogging or pay for the gym throughout the year when you return from vacation. The important thing is to find an activity that is appetizing to us, that we like and motivate us throughout the year and not only when we feel guilty of not moving from the sofa. 

4. Control your stress levels

 Work, family life, facing everyday situations generate overexertion on a physical and mental level. They make us be in a state of continuous alert that exhausts our defenses and is undermining us both mentally and physically. Each person can have their own remedy to reduce their stress levels. There are people who work to read, to others paint, there are people who do meditation other people use physical exercise. We encourage you to find that activity that comforts you and serves to find yourself. 

5. Achieve good mental health

 We cannot forget our mental health as a fundamental part in our state of health. Stress, anxiety or depression can alter our mental state affecting our well-being and quality of life. Exercising our mind is just as important as exercising our body. Doing reading and logic exercises, memory and understanding games are tools that we can use in a simple way. They will help us to prevent degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. 

6. Avoid risk factors 

It is necessary to take into account and monitor a series of factors that increase the probability of suffering a disease or an injury. Tobacco, alcohol, hypertension, obesity are some of the main factors that are observed in our closest reality. It is in our hand to control them as they are modifiable factors and therefore susceptible to preventive actions. 

7. Have happy dreams

 considering that we spend a third of our life sleeping, we can understand the importance it has in our lives. The dream is a vital function that regulates us, repairs us and prepares us for the next day. Some of the recommendations we can follow is to maintain routines and schedules at bedtime, reduce the consumption of caffeinated beverages, maintain a good rest area without distractions such as mobile or television. 

8. Enjoy your leisure and free time

 Our working hours are getting longer, our vacations are often reduced due to lack of time and money. It is essential that there is a balance between work and activities that distract us, relax us and gratify us mentally and physically. The benefits of leisure have a positive impact on both the person and their closest environment. Activities such as traveling, reading, being in contact with nature or simply doing nothing will give us a pause and energy to continue our activities. 

9. Take care of your social relationships 

We are social animals, that do not live isolated, but in family and society. Recent studies indicate that having satisfactory social relationships are as important for life expectancy as not smoking. Being part of a social network, not referred to technology, gives individuals significant roles that increase their esteem and give purpose to their lives, according to studies at the University of North Carolina. For them it is necessary to foster social relationships and give us time to share our time with family and friends. 

10. Have a positive attitude

Have a positive attitude towards life It is said that the seed of our words and our actions are our thoughts. Positive thoughts have a satisfactory effect, they give us vigor and the people around us are infected by them. A positive attitude will project you a more satisfied, confident and confident image of yourself. Although it is difficult to maintain a positive attitude today with all the negative news that surrounds us we can always focus on the positive we have.

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